Liminal Space: A Passageway to Transformation
"Academically brilliant, articulate, well-communicated and extremely helpful!" ~ Marguerite Cummings, Institute of Noetic Sciences, Altadena
The telos of transiton is transformation—the morphing of a known state into an as-yet unknown other. For this gift, it is called upon us to give up ourselves to this passage—sometimes we go willingly, sometimes we are stolen.
Each transition teaches us to be more articulate in the realities of impermanence, but more deeply it gives us compassionate insight for the challenges blueprinted into humanity itself.
Learning the language of transition, of change, and liminality (the heart of change itself) eases our journey, allowing the myriad experiences we find along the way to wash through us—greeted, embraced, and then released.
Each 3-hour workshop in the series delves into different aspects of liminality, including:
- Personal Transformation
- Health & Healing—Liminal Rhythms of the Body & Brain
- Liminal Environments—The Space Between People & Partners
- Therapeutic Implications
- Global Perspectives
- Recognizing & Supporting the Liminal Initiate
- Stages of Life
- Bliss & Release
- Conditions for Processing A Rupture
Check emphasis per event.
Join Dr. KD Farris as she takes us into this world of change known as “liminal space” as it was first experienced by our tribal ancestors, and shows us how this magical space can be accessed for health and healing in our day-to-day lives.
"KD has not only described exactly my experience of the last five years, but she has also presented me with a context in which to accept this period of time. I now feel as if I can harness the gifts of my journey and begin to reassemble a functioning and happy life for myself." ~ Vivien Kooper, author of The Straight Truth, Final Drive, and Making Hollywood Magic
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