Areas of expertise
Dr. KD's diversity of styles and flexibility of schedule has given me the ability to work in great depth when I've been in crisis as well as helped me to maintain and integrate the progress I have made. ~ CK, Wyoming
People experiencing life transitions of a predictible, sudden, or compounded nature, including but not limited to: marriage, divorce, illness, death of a loved one, physical injury, job promotion, career expansion, loss of career, loss of financial security, sudden wealth, aquired success, persona identity changes, effects of parenthood (including special needs parenting)
- Living an honest life (which is a learned and achievable skill)
- Couples work: issues of communication, infidelity, familly crisis, and parenthood—therapy focuses on creating communication and healing through and resulting from a structured dialogue between the partners which the therapist instructs, guides, and facilitates; even when only one of you is willing or able to seek counsel, great strides can still be made
- Growing Girls into Women & Boys into Men: be they 17, 25, 35, or 50, many women and men have not been given the supportive opportunities to mature into their individual selves; even with the maturation process in full bloom, there are often areas where we still need to grow into the fullness of ourselves
- Deconstructing Narcisistic Structures
- When all else has failed . . . . or you don't even know what the problem is